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Spring 2008


- A. Bodhràn
For Valentino Lo Bianco “In Memoriam” July 2007
- L. Calio
Elbow Grease
- M. Carroll
Sacred Sod
- G. Fagiani
The Name He Did Not Want
- V. Fazio
La Visita (The Visit)
- M. Frasca
Finn McCool Crosses the Line
- J. Hart
After the Glanconer
- J. Knight
- M. Lisella
Dun Arann
- J. Machan
Karaoke Swan Song
- P. Many
Sestina Terrona
- N. Matros
The Roofs of Siena
- J. McCann
- S. Moorhead
- P. Nichloas
Marriage Ellis Island Style
- F. Polizzi
The Years of Our Lord
- K. Scambray
The Girl with Botticelli Hair
- G. Tabasso
On a Dismal Night, in Dim Light Pondering a Tattered Map of Ireland
- H. Youtt

Melissa Carroll

Elbow Grease

Blisters breaking surface skin,
chiseled cheekbones rise and fall. Hours brimming
at her brow line, chasing gravity down her waist.
“Elbow grease,” she says.

Scrubbing daydreams out of pans as vigor
leaves her fingertips, she’s waving spoons
and laughing loud while garlic cloves
hang thick.

Bubbles slowly evaporate, the sauce
purging as she had planned, the pulse
of home, a sweet intoxicate.

Strong hands fuel her daily work: She trusts
in psalms and gospels, the songs her mother
taught her when days were green in Sicily.
“Elbow grease,” she says to me, “this is how
you get things done.”